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Adding Script to Forms

Registered: Oct 31 2006
Posts: 25


What I would like to do seems to be simple, but I just can’t figure it out.
I am using Acrobat 8 Pro. I scanned a basic questionnaire type document and converted it to a PDF then in Designer I created the form with mostly text fields. Everything is fine with the form and its appearance for emailing, but I would like the text fields to convert to upper case as the user enters information into the fields. All the forms I design are done in Designer. Can anyone help me on what the scripting is and how and where to change to scripting.

Registered: Dec 14 2005
Posts: 180
Enter this JavaScript on an Exit event for your fields:

var s = this.rawValue;this.rawValue = s.toUpperCase();

Carl Young

A certified expert on Adobe Acrobat, Carl Young is an Adobe Acrobat and LiveCycle Designer trainer and consultant based in Phoenix. He is the producer of the [link=]PDF Conference[/link].