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Adding unlimited table rows to Dynamic PDF

Registered: Jul 15 2010
Posts: 6

Forgive me for posting what may be a silly question for most. I am a newbie to scripting and Adobe Forms. I found some code to allow me to dynamically add rows to my form, but I do not know what to change in the code to allow me to add more than 7 rows. Can anyone point me in the right direction? Any help is greatly appreciated.

form1.#subform[0].Add::click - (JavaScript, client)
// nTableLength stores the number of XML elements contained in Table1.
var nTableLength = Table1.nodes.length;

// nNumRow is used to calculate the number of rows contained in Table1.
var nNumRow = 0;

// This script uses a For loop to cycle through all of the XML elements
// contained in Table1.
for (var nCount = 0; nCount < nTableLength; nCount ++) {

// If the current XML element in Table1 is of type subform and it
// is not a header row, then increment the variable nNumRow by one.
// If the table included a footer row, this script would have to
// account for it.
// Note: In the Adobe XML Form Object Model, all table rows are
// considered subform objects.
if ((Table1.nodes.item(nCount).className == "subform") & (Table1.nodes.item(nCount).name !== "HeaderRow")) {
nNumRow = nNumRow + 1;

// An if-else statement is used to prevent form fillers from adding
// more than the maximum number of seven rows to a table.
if (nNumRow == 7) {"The maximum allowable number of rows is 7. You cannot add any more rows.", "Warning", 3);
else {

// This script uses the addInstance() method to add a new instance
// of the Row1 object contained in Table1.

My Product Information:
LiveCycle Designer, Windows
Registered: Nov 3 2008
Posts: 1202
If you want to add a row to the table you only need this code:


LoveCycle Blog
Documents you need:
LiveCycle Designer ES2 Docs

Registered: Jul 15 2010
Posts: 6
Thanks for your help. I commented out all other code and now have unlimited rows. Such a simple answer. Thanks again.
Registered: Oct 30 2010
Posts: 13
Hi there. I'm using Livecycle Designer ES v8.2. I'm trying to create an interactive PDF using Designer in which user can press a button to add rows to a table. I created a blank form with a table and a button both in a subform (flow content). Preview mode in Form property has been set to "interactive PDF". I have the following javascripts embedded in the button (mouseup) for user to add rows:


But when I previewed the form and press the button, nothing happened. Did I miss something? Thanks.

Registered: Oct 25 2010
Posts: 70
I think you need


Also, you might be better off putting it in the button's Click event than in mouseUp.

Does that work?
Registered: Aug 27 2009
Posts: 1
you want to Adding unlimited table rows to Dynamic PDF
you only need this code:
and set Row1 property ------- Reperat row for each data item check min count [1]