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Adobe 9 and dropdown box

Registered: Feb 27 2008
Posts: 12

The strangest thing happened with a form I created in LC 8. I have added a dropdown list with location codes containing more than 35 items. The item selected will autmatically populate another field. Every code has a different locationname. But the funny thing is that only with the first 35 items the locationname is shown and the rest is left empty.
In Adobe 8... I did not have this problem.

Any suggestions?


My Product Information:
Acrobat Standard 9.0, Windows
Registered: Sep 29 2008
Posts: 4
Hi I have to be using Acrobat 5.0 because i get PDF files that way. But when i try to open the document it keep telling me compatibility issues is there any way for me to open the PDF file to view the document without seeing the compatibility issues dialogue box.