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Applying Exended Rights to saved Form

Registered: May 8 2009
Posts: 25

I have created a button that will email a PDF copy of the form when the button is clicked. Searching the user community archives I have learned that I must save the form with Extended rights. LiveCycle designer Help has numerous places that mention that this. The following exceprt from LCD Help
"If you want the user submission data to include the PDF, instead of only the XDP data, you need to use LiveCycle Reader Extensions ES to provide the appropriate rights to the form."
Can be found or referred to at least 8 times in LiveCYcle Help. But no where does it explain HOW to do this!!!!!! IT is absolutely maddening.
How do I do this? How do I apply Extended rights to the form before saving?

Douglas G. Larson

My Product Information:
LiveCycle Designer, Windows
Registered: Jul 6 2008
Posts: 1876
The truth is you can use LiveCycle Reader Extensions or Acrobat to apply usage rights to a document. In Acrobat 9, select "Advanced > Extend Features in Adobe Reader". In Acrobat 10, it's an option under "File > Save As".