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Attaching the whole form to email with Submit button and not just the XML info

Registered: Jul 12 2011
Posts: 6

Before when I have made forms in LiveCycle Designer ES 8.2 I can "Extend Features in Acrobat Reader" in Acrobat 9 Pro and it will let people attach the actual form when hitting the "Submit" button, but now it only wants to submit the xml file. I have looked at other posts and can not find the step I am missing.
The same is happening in a form I made completely in Acrobat 9 Pro. I thought I could simply "Extend Features" and it gives me the same results of the xml file.
Please help in small words for a novice!
Thanks in advance!


Registered: Jul 6 2008
Posts: 1875
Exactly how is the button configured? You can choose to send the data (e.g., using an "Email Submit Button"), or XDP, PDF, XML data, or HTTP POST data when using a button with that is set up with a Control Type of Submit.
Registered: Jul 12 2011
Posts: 6
I just used the "Email Submit Button" from the "Object Library" and put in the email I wanted it to go to.


Registered: Jul 6 2008
Posts: 1875
Accepted Answer
That only submits the XML data. Use a normal button and select Submit for the control type (Object palette > Field tab), and then set up the other parameters on the Submit tab. See the LiveCycle Designer help doc for more information.
Registered: Jul 12 2011
Posts: 6
Yes it worked! Thank you!
