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Auto-Calculate Total Price from Qauntity and Price

Registered: Sep 21 2010
Posts: 1

I'm a new user of live cycle do I get the Total Price on my form automatically after anyone enters quantity of item that has fixed price. E.g. Glass @ $2, as soon as someone types 10 in quantity field, $20 ($2*10) appears automatically in total price column
Your guidance is highly appreciated!

Humble Student

My Product Information:
LiveCycle Designer, Windows
Registered: Feb 23 2006
Posts: 4307
Have you looked at the 'Scripting Reference' under LiveCycle Designer's menu 'Help' option?

Have you looked at any of the supplied LiveCycle Designer supplied samples?

Have you tried using the supplied template for the invoice?

For the supplied invoice template there are columns for "Item" (field name 'Item'), "Description" (field name 'Description'), "Quantity" (field name 'Quantity'), Unit Price (field name 'UnitPrice' - note the missing space), and "Amount" (field name 'Amount'). The 'Amount' field has the following FormCalc calculation script to compute the value for the 'Amount' field on that row:

Quantity * UnitPricemissing
Because of the way FormCalc computes calculations, this code applies only the row in which it appears. So for each row the field names are repeated and calculation is repeated in the 'Amount' field. You can change the field names as long as they comply with the FormCalc naming standard and you change the names in the calculation to the field names you have chosen.

There are also videos at this site show how to create LiveCycle Designer forms.

George Kaiser