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Automatic data copying in forms

Registered: Oct 26 2009
Posts: 4

I am a new user of Acrobat 9 Pro and in creating Acrobat forms as well. I have a packet of forms and many of them ask for the same information (i.e.: name, address, etc.) Can I create fields where the user only has to enter the data once, and it will copy to those areas on the subsequent forms in the packet?

My Product Information:
Acrobat Pro 9.0, Windows
Registered: Nov 1 2005
Posts: 1389
Hi lynnmarie,

Multiple copies of fields with the same name in one PDF (single or multipage) only need to be filled in once and all fields with the same name will auto-populate. However, if you are talking about creating a PDF Package or Portfolio where you have many separate PDFs files, then No, you cannot do that. Individual PDF files do not cross communicate like that- would be pretty cool if they could.

Hope this helps,

WindJack Solutions
Registered: Oct 26 2009
Posts: 4
Thank you Dimitri! Can you tell me how to "link" those fields once I get the multipage form finished?
Registered: Nov 1 2005
Posts: 1389
Hi lynnmarie,

You just need to make sure the fields have the same name- that's all there is to it. So if you have a field named FirstName any field named FirstName in a single PDF file will be filled in as soon as any field with that name is filled in. Make sure to use the exact same name for each field (it is Case Sensitive).

[b]Amendment- Sorry, I didn't notice this is a LiveCycle Designer form even though it is in the LCD thread-oops!. In that case you still need to create the fields and give them identical names. Then go in the Binding tab in Object Properties for one of the fields and set the Binding to Global.[/b]

Hope this helps,

WindJack Solutions
Registered: Oct 26 2009
Posts: 4
Great! Thank you.