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Automatic E-mail PDF Button

Registered: Aug 6 2007
Posts: 7

How do I create an e-mail button that automatically e-mails a PDF document without letting the end-user edit the e-mail's body, subject, or recipients? That is, I want the button to send the e-mail, then a message would pop-up that the e-mail was sent successfully. Any ideas? Also, if you know, how can I have the form automatically clear all the form fields after the e-mail is sent? (I'm using Professional & LifeCycle Designer 8.1.)

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LiveCycle Designer, Windows
Registered: Feb 15 2006
Posts: 4411
The short answer is that you cannot. Acrobat uses the default mail client on the user's system to send all emails. The user, of course, has control over their own system and can access and change any email sent through their client. Doing what you are suggesting is equivalent to maliciously taking over the user's system. In fact, for emails initiated in a document, Acrobat always popups up the email dialog to make sending silent emails impossible.

The long answer is yes, but you just can't do it through any of the normal client side email software. Instead, you write a server script to send the email, so it's not on the user's system at all. Then, from the PDF you do a submit to the server script using the "submitForm()" function. You can bounce a JavaScript message box back to the PDF from the server script with a status message.

Thom Parker
The source for PDF Scripting Info
Very Important - How to Debug Your Script