Hey everyone,
I was wondering if anyone out there knew of a way to bind an image field to a url from a database connection. I bind all of the other types of data well enough, but binding images still eludes me.
When I try to bind an image to the url via the Livecycle binding tab, the image field is automatically converted into a text field. When I try to change the image's href on the form's initialize event to either a data node or a url string, the image field remains blank.
The code I use is as follows:
xfa.form.form1.imageField1.value.image.href = "\\server\image folder\image.jpg"
It seems no matter what I do, I cannot dynamically change the source of an image file.
I would really appreciate any help that anyone could offer.
- Scott
this.rawValue = bindAndHiddenTextField.rawValue;