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Bookmarks in Livecycle

Registered: Nov 20 2007
Posts: 4

How do I create bookmarks for navigation in a Livecycle pdf document?

Registered: Jun 28 2007
Posts: 3636
Creating bookmarks for Acrobat in a LiveCycle PDF may not behave as expected because LiveCycle forms are designed to expand/collapse based on the input data. Bookmarks, however, are designed to link to a specific page that remains fixed.
With that said, you can use the Form Ready event to create an Acrobat bookmark then you need to Reader-enable the form for Commenting in Acrobat Pro. to enable the bookmark for Reader.

Javascript example:
var myDoc1 = myDoc1.bookmarkRoot.createChild("LeveransAdress", "this.getField(\"form1[0].#subform[0].TextField1[4]\").setFocus()");

For more information on this visit:

Lori Kassuba is an AUC Expert and Community Manager for