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Button to hide Subform or Rectangle

Registered: Feb 23 2011
Posts: 2

Hi everyone,
Two days looking through every conceivable forum and search engine has me clutching at straws. I cannot for the life of me get certain object to become invisible just by the press of a button.
Ultimately I will tie this script to something more useful, like when a user selects a certain radio-button selection or an item off a drop down list. But right now, I thought I'd make it real simple and just create a button that would try and hide two things. Neither seem to disappear. What am I missing???
My Formcalc Button code is:
form1.Subform1.presence = "invisible"
Rectangle1.presence = "invisible"
I have one subform with just three textfields and outside of this I also have a Rectangle. That's it. I'd love to attach it but don't know how :S
I get no errors when I click the button, but the subform or the rectangle don't disappear either.
Many thanks in advance.

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LiveCycle Designer, Windows
Registered: Feb 15 2006
Posts: 4411
Accepted Answer
Did you save the form as Dynamic?

Thom Parker
The source for PDF Scripting Info
Very Important - How to Debug Your Script

Registered: Feb 23 2011
Posts: 2
OMG....I have played with so many pieces of code and even looked at that whole Static and Dynamic thing and it turns out I never had the right working code WITH Dynamic at the same time :(

Unbelievable. I was starting to question the code and opening new docs and of course THIS time, I left it at static.


Thank you so much :)