Hi Folks !
I've just installed a ftp server in my network and is working fine. Then I've created a presentation pdf page in Live Cycle with some buttons. What I want now is to create a button that opens the ftp folder situated in "my network places" or to open in windows explorer my personal ftp folder address: ftp://ftpuser@ftpserver.
I've tried two different ways 'till now: 1) I've create a button with the acction "go to a web page" and I set the address: ftp://name@ftpserver - it opens my personal ftp folder in a web page, not in a windows explorer folder
2) I set the "go to a web page address" : C:\Documents and Settings\User\NetHood\ftpfolder (wich is the address to the "my network places" ftp folder) and no results. In conclusion I want a button that opens an windows explorer folder.
Any thoughts, suggestions, or direction, you can give me would be very helpful since I have found no indication of how to do this.
there is a function "browseForDoc()" in Acrobat/Reader, which can open the file browser.
Datails and a sample can be found in the tutorials:
• LoveCycle Blog
Documents you need:
• LiveCycle Designer ES2 Docs