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Can a form user set password to protect document?

Registered: Jun 22 2007
Posts: 73

Hi, I'm using LiveCycle Designer 8. I created a performance review form for our company in LiveCycle 8 because of the expandable form fields.

However, one of the supervisors needs to be able to password-protect her review forms to restrict others from opening them, because other employees have access to her personal computer drive.

How can I set up the review form so that she can password-protect the review forms she creates? She has Acrobat 8.

I didn't set up any security properties in the document. When I open it in Acrobat and look at the properties, it says "No Security" but below there are a bunch of items "Not Allowed" in the summary.

There are no security or password check-boxes checked in Designer properties either.

Thanks for your help!!!

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LiveCycle Designer, Windows
Registered: Jul 6 2008
Posts: 1876
Try "Document > Security > Secure This Document" (that's what it is in Acrobat 7 at least) and see what it allows. In Acrobat 9 it's "Advanced > Security > Encrypt with Password". The not alloweds are probably due to the fact that certain edits are not allowed in Acrobat on documents created in Designer.George
Registered: Jun 22 2007
Posts: 73
Hi George, thank you for your response.

Yes, that is where I go to see the security properties. In that dialogue box, the drop-down says "No Security", but it has all the "Not Allowed" items.

I'm wondering if she can just select Password Security from the list...she says she can't protect it, and she's the IT manager and very fluent in Acrobat so she knows what she's doing. I just don't know what to do to help her protect her documents.