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Can I add a signature field & other fields on a 2nd Master Page?

Registered: Apr 28 2010
Posts: 112

I have created my Master Page for my dynamic form, and placed all the fields that users need to fill in using Reader on the Content section.

Now I would like to have a special section at the end for the managers to be able to fill in and sign to lock the form. I want this section to be hidden from the users, as the managers will use LC Designer to fill in their section, sign to lock it, then make it all visible.

I did read somewhere that interactive fields should not be placed on a Master Page, but not the reason why not.

SO I tried adding a (Page 3) Master Page. It seemed to work - all of the fields show up when I tested them in Acrobat and Reader EXCEPT for the following:

1. The Signature field on that Master page never shows up even when made Visible. It just isn't showing up in Acrobat or Reader.

2. The page # of ## that I dropped into this other MP shows 0 of 3 (it's page number). Is there some way I can get it to show the correct values? This Form can have as many pages as the user needs by adding rows and so on.

I then removed the new Master Page and added the manager fields and signature field at the 'end' of the content area. I can make them not visible, but the main problem is that I want this section on a separate page without any other fields.

Can anyone help me with a solution to how to get the Manager situation straightened out?
Thank you all....


My Product Information:
LiveCycle Designer, Windows
Registered: Dec 11 2008
Posts: 2
You can not have repeating signature fields. Since Master Pages can repeat, and signature fields on them are null and void and are not present when rendered.

That said, the best way to do your signatures is to place them in a sub-form container and set the pagination to Begin on next page. You can also add javascript to adjust the presence (visible/hidden) for conditions that prevent the users from seeing it.
Registered: Apr 28 2010
Posts: 112
Nathan, that makes sense. I will try it.

Thank you!
