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Can't Select 1st List Value in Dropdown When Tabbing into it

Registered: Mar 30 2011
Posts: 15

This seems to be a consistent problem. I want users to be able to either click on or tab into a dropdown field. If they tab in, they should be able to type in values rather than hitting the arrow on the dropdown box. But it seems they can't choose (aka type in) the first item in the list. I don't provide a default value. The drop down is blank initially. But, for instance, if I have a drop down which is a series of numbers 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11...20,21.... and so on they can't type 1. They just get a tone and nothing is typed in. They CAN type 2 THEN 1 (which cycles through all values starting with 1 which is what should happen when they type in 1 in the first place). Why is that and how can I correct it?


My Product Information:
LiveCycle Designer, Windows
Registered: Apr 13 2011
Posts: 6

Have you tried enabling "Allow Custom Text Entry" option for the Drop Down List.

Just try this and let me know is it solving your problem.


Thanks in Advance,

Adobe Livecycle Developer,
Hyderabad, Andhra Pradesh,