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"on change" event won't change textfield color

Registered: Apr 1 2008
Posts: 101

Hi, I have 3 fields on my form:

field1 and 2 are the ones that supply data to field3.

I try to change textfield3 color with

$.ui.oneOfChild.border.fill.color.value = "226,255,203"; // lightgreen

I pasted it in "on change" event

My field that must change color gets values from

Calculate event that has this code:

TextField1_1.rawValue + "_" + DropDownList1_1.rawValue

So in practice since I do not change anything it will not change color but how do I solve this?

Registered: Apr 15 2008
Posts: 35

Are you saying you want field3 to change colors when field1 or field2 changes? If so, you might try putting your color-changing code in the change event of fields 1 and 2. You would have to use the field name instead of the $ shorthand, and possibly more of the field reference (e.g., form1.textfield3.ui.etc.etc.), depending on where the fields are located in relation to each other.

Another possibility might be to include the color change on the calculate event, if you want the color to change based on the result of the calculation.
