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check the total sizes of total attachments not allow more than 9 mb when adding attachments to a PDF

Registered: Sep 10 2008
Posts: 16

My clients requested the form has the validation when I add attachments to a PDF, the total sizes of these atttachments not more than 9 mb. I can just check the size of each attachment but I cannot check the total sizes of the attachment. I am not sure what I am doing wrong the coding is unsucessful. Please help!!!!
Thank you very much.
Here is the coding in event:click - attachment button
var maxSize=75497472; //bits

var count= 0;
var oDoc =;
var oAttachment = oDoc.dataObjects;
if(oAttachment != null){

count = oAttachment.length;
oDoc.importDataObject("attachment" + (count + 1))
var dataObj = oDoc.getDataObject("attachment" + (count + 1));

var fileName = dataObj.path;
var fileType = fileName.substring(fileName.lastIndexOf("."));
if(fileType != ".pdf" && fileType != ".PDF" && fileType != ".JPG" &&
fileType != ".jpg" && fileType != ".tif" && fileType != ".TIF"&&
fileType != ".tiff" && fileType != ".TIFF" &&
fileType != ".doc" && fileType != ".DOC"){"Please correct the file type.");
oDoc.removeDataObject("attachment" + (count + 1));

// combine size
//get content
var oFile = oDoc.getDataObjectContents("attachment" + (count + 1), true);

var oBase64Stream = SOAP.streamEncode(oFile, "base64");
var oFile = SOAP.stringFromStream(oBase64Stream);
// check the length of the document
var lenTotal = oFile.length;
FileSize.rawValue = lenTotal;

if (lenTotal > maxSize)
{"the total size is 9 MB");
oDoc.removeDataObject("attachment" + (count + 1));
}// end if
{"successfull attachment","Attachment",2);

catch (e)
{"Please review the document");

My Product Information:
LiveCycle Designer, Windows
Registered: Nov 3 2008
Posts: 1202
Accepted Answer

because of the base64 encoding the string length is different to the binary data stream length.
The factor is around 3/4 so when you use

var maxSize = 9437184 / 0.75;...
you are pretty close the the 9 MB you like to use as maximum.

LoveCycle Blog
Documents you need:
LiveCycle Designer ES2 Docs

Registered: Sep 10 2008
Posts: 16
Thank you for your response.

I fixed the maxSize as your suggestion. After that, I tested the form but coding is unsuccessful.

The total attachments is not more than 9 MB. For example, I can add attachmnents as much as I can but total of attachments is not more than 9 MB.

I have added 2 attachments to the PDF. Each attachment has the size is 5888Kb(over 5 MB). I think I can only add one attachment only. But I can add more than 5 attachments(5,100 KB/each attachment).

Is it something wrong in my coding? It is easy for you to see for you to follow.

I try to insert my testing file to the forum but I don't know how to add my file to the forum.Cindy