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Checking two fields for values then dividing livecycle 8.0

Registered: Oct 7 2009
Posts: 21

i am trying to do this

if(HasValue(NumericField13) && HasValue(NumericField13))then
var rent = NumericField13.rawValue;
var sqft = NumericField27.rawValue;
NumericField28.rawValue = rent / sqft;
NumericField28.rawValue = "0";

I keep getting a parse error and it's becuase i am trying to check both fields for values though i'm not sure how else to do this as that's what I need the if statment to check.


Registered: Jan 31 2008
Posts: 133
You're mixing some Javascript with your Formcalc - the main thing is the && should be a single & and you don't need semicolons and you missed the "endif" at the end. And in your sample you're checking NumericField13 twice - tested the following out and it works:I put it on the calculate event of NumericField28

if (HasValue(NumericField13) & HasValue(NumericField27)) then
var rent = NumericField13.rawValue
var sqft = NumericField27.rawValue
NumericField28.rawValue = rent / sqft
NumericField28.rawValue = 0
endifOr this is a little shorter!

if (HasValue(NumericField13) & HasValue(NumericField27)) then
$ = NumericField13 / NumericField27
$ = 0