This form (on AcrobatUsers) for viewing (but it won't show me scripts) is what I'm looking to do... Sue_Whitehead_Purchase_Order_Form2, where the thing selected from the combo box puts the address and phone number, etc. into other text fields. I was able to do this with numbers and prices, but my switchover to text isn't working. Please help... asap. Feb 10. Tad
First, noone here is paid for answering questions or providing help in these forums- it is all on a voluntary basis and done as time is available to add value to the community. Most people who answer questions here have to make a living at day jobs just like you- so asking for help "asap" in a free user to user forum is a bit rude.
There is no security on the form you mention- I was able to view all the scripts used in it. Are you opening it in LiveCycle Designer? It is not a AcroForm so you can't see the scripts if you open it in Acrobat.
A scripting object was used ( in the hierarchy structure tree look for "Variables") to populate the street address, city, state, etc when a choice is made from the drop down. The person who did this form is obviously a good scripter- not a lot of people use custom scripting objects, that I've seen anyway.
If you want to copy the work done in that form it will take you a bit of time and effort to navigate around, find the scripts used, transfer them to your form and alter to suit your specific list of choices- but it's super cool that Sue made this form freely available- Nice job Sue Whitehead :)
Hope this helps,
WindJack Solutions
Dimitri Munkirs
WindJack Solutions