I want to force users to choose a date that is within a range of dates and is only on a saturday.
How do I do this?
The date range should be from May till October and only Saturdays.
I can't even figure out what the syntax would be - and whether I can use the validation event or need to use the exit event. I could probably figure this out from other examples, but all that I've found are missing the information I need to program this in JS or Formcalc.
So I need to figure out how to reference today's date - I think it's something like this: var Todaysdate = new Date();
Then I need to restrict the entered date (entereddate) to be
entereddate >= Todaysdate
Day of the Week of (entereddate) to = Saturday
entereddate <= than the the End Date in OctoberThen if this is all true - allow the entered date to stand, otherwise go back to reenter the date.
then I need the way to frame this in the Validation or Exit Event Procedure.
I've worked with the Click Procedure to enter data based on a checkbox, so I'm not completely unfamiliar with JS, I just need a little nudge in the right direction for this.