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Conditionally set variables

Registered: Sep 16 2009
Posts: 4

I am trying to set a variable conditionally using a if/then statement but cant seem to get it to work using formcalc
here are a few examples of what I have tried

if (textField1.rawValue == null) then
var myVar = "?"
var myVar = textField1.rawValue


if (textField1.rawValue.isNull) then
var myVar = "?"
var myVar = textField1.rawValue

I also tried declaring the variable befor running the if statement using

var myVar

I can seem to get it to set the variable based on wether the text field is empty... It has to be something stupid and simple I am missing.

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LiveCycle Designer, Windows
Registered: Sep 16 2009
Posts: 4
so I got it woking dont know what I messed up thought I tried this several times. Anyway here is what works

var myVar
if (textField1.rawValue == null) then
myVar = "?"
myVar = textField1.rawvalue