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Confernece Form

Registered: Mar 3 2011
Posts: 1

I'm creating a conference form with check boxes, I cannot figure out how to "link" or something between data.
Before March 1, 2011
__ Dinner only - $40
__ Show only - $50
__ Dinner and Show = $75
Before April 1, 2011
__ Dinner only - $60
__ Show only - $70
__ Dinner and Show = $95
Conference Fee: ______________
x Number of Attendees: _______
Total Due: ___________________
When attendee select a check box, I would like to have conference fee show the amount, then attendee put in the # of attendees to show the total due.
I'm still new at LiveCycle Designer.

My Product Information:
LiveCycle Designer, Windows
Registered: Feb 23 2006
Posts: 4307
You need to write either some FormCalc or JavaScript to accomplish this.

LiveCycle Designer includes a 'Scripting Reference' under the "Help" menu option. There are also example forms provided for LiveCycle Designer. On this site there are a number of tutorials about using LiveCycle Designer and FormCalc.

George Kaiser