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Connecting 2 (or more) PDF forms - possible?

Registered: Mar 16 2009
Posts: 93


A strange request perhaps but not in my eyes:)

I have a series of PDF documents. The main pdf file is called:

I have 3 others PDF forms:

I have not started work on ID300 yet. However the other forms are all dynamic and they all pull data in from and excel file using an ODBC connection and have some calculated fields based on the data being pulled in.

ID300 needs to read the value of these calculated fields and populate those values into specified fields within the ID300 form.

Is it possible to get the value of the calculated fields in the other forms and populate the ID300.pdf form? If it is, is their any material I could read or any examples of this in action.

My Product Information:
LiveCycle Designer, Windows
Registered: Jun 8 2009
Posts: 230
If you're using Excel as well, wouldn't it be better to have the results of all forms going back into Excel (formatted as you need), then pulling out what you want from the amalgamated Excel spreadsheet back into you form ID300?

from way... underground at Parkes - central West NSW - Australia

Registered: Mar 16 2009
Posts: 93
very true i was going to carry out the calculations in excel and port them into the ID300.pdf form, however my question is more to do with the capabilty of the adobe software - is it possible to do what I ask and if so how. If it isnt then I always have the backup option