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Creat my own email button (Can't get it to work)

Registered: Feb 3 2008
Posts: 81

I am using the sample script in the LiveCycle book and I want to create a button that sends an e,mail using a "text" field for the e.mail address;
What am I missing ????? The Text field and the Button are in the same place;
xfa.form.form1.InputSubform1.PrintSubForm.TextField4 (test field for address)
xfa.form.form1.InputSubform1.PrintSubForm.Button4 (regular button)

var mail;
var address = xfa.form.form1.InputSubform1.PrintSubForm.TextField4 ;
var sub = "Test email from rod";

mail = "mailto: " + address + "?subject=" + sub;{
cURL: mail,
bEmpty: true,
cSubmitAs: "PDF",
cCharset: :utf-8"

Thanks for help in advance !!!!! Rod

My Product Information:
LiveCycle Designer, Windows
Registered: Jan 4 2008
Posts: 41
I used this code to add email functionality to a standard button. You need to attach the javascript code to the 'click' event of the button. You will need something like this:

var myDoc =;
var address = TextField4.rawValue;
var sub = "Test email from Rod";
var msgBody = "This is text in the body of the message if you want";

bUI: false,
cTo: address,
cSubject: sub,
cMsg: msgBody,
cSubmitAs: "PDF"

If you want to send to more than one email address, concatenate your addresses together in a single field and separate each address with a semi-colon.

Make sure that your language is JavaScript for the code. Run At: must be set to 'Client'.

This is a more flexible way of sending off the email as you have a bit more control over what goes on.

Good luck!