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Creating flowable form which has text field within text box

Registered: Jul 6 2009
Posts: 25


I have a question which I pretty much posted in the title, but I'm having problems creating a text box which also includes a field for entry so the text which is to be read can expand.

If anyone can enlighten me, that would be lovely!


My Product Information:
LiveCycle Designer, Windows
Registered: Jun 26 2007
Posts: 11
Have you tried "Floating Fields" on "insert" menu?


Registered: Jul 6 2009
Posts: 25
I spoke with Adobe, come to find out they said what I was trying to do does not exactly exist in the manner I'd like. I had to either use a table format or make two text boxes with a text field in between and place them in a subform.
Registered: Nov 14 2005
Posts: 2
You are trying to do exactly what I am trying to do. Make a Designer form work like a word file (with fillable fields inside a block of text). I tried it with the Floating fields, and it failed. That will not work. I am trying to tap into other resources to try to solve this problem. I will let you know what I find out.
Registered: Jun 26 2007
Posts: 11
I did it like this

I had two subforms, one called 'prepare' with some ordinary textfields, and one subform called 'perform' with static text and some floating fields. e.g "Hello {ff_Name}! how are you"

On prepare subform i have this code in exit event
perform.ff_Name.rawValue = this.rawValue;
and a button vid click event
perform.presence = "visible";
prepare.presence = "hidden";

So the text from textfield will be copied into floating field
