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Date calculation

Registered: Oct 19 2006
Posts: 270

Hi everyone,

I have a request for time off form with two fields:
First day off and Day of return to work.
This which I like to accomplish is when the user enter the dates into above fields the Total number of days to show auto into another field(TOTAL DAYS)
and also into another field the Total hours(8 hours per day).
Is that possible?


My Product Information:
LiveCycle Designer, Windows
Registered: Nov 1 2005
Posts: 1389
Hi Patra,

Yes, this is possible but requires some knowledge of JavaScript. There are many, many posts here in these forums that cover working with dates- do some searches on DATE and/or TIME calculations and you may find a script that does most of what you want that you can alter to fit your requirements.

Also, there is a series of articles at JavaScript Corner on working with Dates and Time in Acrobat with examples and explanations. Here is a link to Part 1-

Hope this helps,

WindJack Solutions
Registered: Feb 23 2006
Posts: 4308
Yes, yuo can use the "Date2Num()" funciton in FormCalc to get the number of days since the Epoch date used by LiveCycle Designer, Jan 1, 1900. Once you get the date string converted to days from the fixed date you can compute the difference. Note you will need to pay close attention to the format of the date fields.


var ReturnDate = "6 Jan 2008"
var FirstDay = "Jan 1, 2008"
Date2Num(ReturnDate, "D MMM YYYY") - Date2Num(FirstDay, "MMM D, YYYY")

It is also possible with JavaScript but this can sometimes be confusing.

George Kaiser

Registered: Oct 19 2006
Posts: 270
Hi gkaiseril ,

Can you give me a little help how to write the script?
