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Date Field format

Registered: Aug 20 2008
Posts: 6

I'm desparate to set up date fields that will display as mm/dd/yyyy. Nothing has worked per the Help files and haven't had any luck searching through the forum entries, which all look like much more complicated problems than mine.

All I want is a date field that will display mm/dd/yyyy no matter how the data is entered, and it would be especially nice if only valid dates were accepted.

I'm hoping for an answer ASAP and I'm a beginner so please keep the solution easy to follow.

Thank you!

My Product Information:
LiveCycle Designer, Windows
Registered: Feb 23 2006
Posts: 4308
With LiveCycle Designer you select the "DateTime" filed from the library. Then select the form form field and click on the "Object" tab and the "Biding" tab on the 'Object' tab. For the "Data Format" option select "Date". Now select the "Field" tab and for the "Display Pattern" select the "MM/DD/YYYY" option. For validation, select the "Value" tab and select the 'MM/DD/YYYY" pattern.

Information about the date, time, number formats are contained in the 'Scripting Refence' under LiveCycle Desinger's 'Help' menu option.

George Kaiser