Hi all,
I am trying to set up a weekly work schedule for a coworker that will calculate the number of hours worked per day. Here is what I have so far:
----- form1.#subform[0].NumericField1::calculate: - (FormCalc, client) -----------------------------
((Time2Num("form1.#subform.DateTimeField2.formattedValue")) - (Time2Num("form1.#subform.DateTimeField1.formattedValue")))/((1000*60*60)/24)
I cannot seem to get the calculation to work. Can anyone tell me what I am doing wrong and provide suggestions on how to fix it and make it work? Any suggestion is welcome, even if you tell me I am expecting something from out in left field. Thank you in advance.
Using the quotation marks around the field reference covert the item from an object to a character string.
If you are going to use the formatted value, you need to provide the picture value of the formatted string.
You only need to divide the difference by the milliseconds in an hour not milliseocnds in a day.
George Kaiser