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Default Percentage?

Registered: Feb 26 2008
Posts: 38

I have a form for ordering. Several people have to sign it and they each have a percentage that they will pay for it. I want to default the percentage field so I don't have to enter it every time, but when I enter ".26" into the default box for 26%, it keeps going back to zero? I can send anyone the form to look at. Thanks for your help!

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LiveCycle Designer, Windows
Registered: Feb 23 2006
Posts: 4307
Have you looked at setting the field to a default value?

If you need help formatting the numeric field as a percentage and using the value in a formula, look at "Inserting the Tax fields" in LiveCycle Designer's Help file. You will have to open up the section "To insert the State Tax % field" and "To insert the State Tax field" to get the details on formatting the field, setting a defualt value, and adjusting the calculation for use of the percentage.

George Kaiser

Registered: Feb 26 2008
Posts: 38
Thanks, I am not having a problem formatting the field as the form works great. I would just like to set a default percentage and it won't let me do that. Is the lowest default value "1"? If so, that would be why it won't take ".26" as a default value for "25%". Oh, and I tried to find the State Tax field info in the Help file and couldn't.

Thanks, Anne
Registered: Feb 23 2006
Posts: 4307
From the LiveCycle Designer help subject 'Inserting the Tax fields":

To insert the State Tax % field
1. In the Library palette, click the Standard category and then drag the Numeric Field object onto the form below the Total field.

2. Select the text in the Numeric Field object and type State Tax %.

You may want to resize the field to make it smaller.
3. In the Object palette, click the Field tab and select Solid Box from the Appearance list.

4. In the Object palette, click the Binding tab and type stateTaxPercent in the Name box.

5. In the Object palette, click the Field tab and type z9.99'%' in the Display Pattern list.

6. In the Object palette, click the Value tab and type 6 in the Default box.

To insert the State Tax field
1. Copy the State Tax % field and position the new field beside the State Tax % field.

2. Select the text and type State Tax.

3. In the Script Editor, select Calculate from the Show list.

4. In the Script Source field, type the following calculation:

(total * stateTaxPercent / 100)
5. Click Enter Script Source Changes to add the script to your form.

6. In the Object palette, click the Binding tab and type stateTax in the Name box.

7. In the Object palette, click the Field tab and select $z,zz9.99 from the Display Pattern list.

8. In the Object palette, click the Value tab and select Calculated - Read Only from the Type list.

The above is found in the "Quick Start Tutorials > Creating a purchase order form > Inserting the Tax fields".The above is different than the treatment in Acorbat forms.

George Kaiser

Registered: Feb 26 2008
Posts: 38
Thanks for all your help. I got it to work by changing the Data pattern to num.percent{}, the edit pattern to num{zzz9.999%} and the Display Pattern to num{zz9%}.