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Deploying forms to users and other support staff

Registered: Mar 27 2008
Posts: 76

I am creating a form that will be used outside of our agency and have a couple of questions.

1. My form has 700k lines of code. most of it being <?templateDesigner StyleID aped3?> I was told that this shouldnt be a problem. I tried to take out the code, import to word, cull it out and paste it back in. LiveCycle aborts every time I do this.

When I send my project to another developer to take a look, do I have to send the xml schema file as well? When they open the project, the schema is no longer defined.

2. This form will be placed on our internet site. Local municpalities will take the form, fill it out and then send it, via email to one of our workers. Does this require us to have LiveCycle ES?

We appear to be the first agency within a state to be doing this and trying to ensure we get everything straight.

thank you.

My Product Information:
LiveCycle Designer, Windows
Registered: Jul 17 2008
Posts: 44

1. I would use the find and replace function within the Designer/XML Source tab. You can Find (CTRL-F) or Find and Replace (CTRL-H). I am not sure but I would think that Word might add something to the file that make it unreadable to Designer.

As for the schema...I would send it with the xdp and include a sample XML file with a sample of your possible real-time data. Why? Schemas change. I have been on many projects where the schema changes at some point and someone forgot to tell the form developer. Get them used to receiving and asking for updated schema and xml samples.

2. If you local municipality uses Adobe Reader then in order for the form to be saved with the data and then attached to an e-mail it will need to be "Extended". There are two ways to do that: a) Purchase the Reader Extensions software or b) Enable that function using a full version of Acrobat Professional. I must caution you that using b) has a limit for the number of forms that can be enabled. Please read your documentation carefully.

Rick Kuhlmann
Tech-Pro, Inc.

Forms Developer/Designer
Tech-Pro, Inc.
Roseville, MN