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Designer instability on longer/complex forms

Registered: Jul 23 2008
Posts: 7

I am finding that on longer more complex forms, Designer is crashing quite frequently.

A couple recently completed forms have multiple pages and several sections of scripted tables or sets of fillable fields that allow the user to add entries as needed. One of these scripted (javascript) sets can add up to 25 rows that would extend into the following pages, adding pages to the document. On a couple of occasions a crash has corrupted the file and have been unable to re-open it, so I'm resaving every few minutes so I have something recent to go back to.

I'm running the latest version of Designer on a Core2 2.13 GHz machine with XP with 2 GB of ram. Would more ram help? Any other suggestions? Anyone having similar issues?

Registered: Nov 1 2005
Posts: 1389
Hi cyclehawker,

Yes, I've seen complaints aplenty about performance issues for LiveCycle Designer forms- particularly ones with LOTS of fields, scripts, and pages. It seems there is a direct correlation between crashes and the complexity of the form.
Adobe published two papers on how to get better performance from your LCD forms-

Lots of good tips in those.

Hope this helps,

WindJack Solutions