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Designing new form..file too big and can't export to Excel??

Registered: May 15 2008
Posts: 3

Hi All,

I am designing a form in Live Designer 8 that is going to be 15 pages long at least. Currently I am on Page 2, and when I save and check the size of this file, it is already at 1.5MB. I don't want this to be a 9 to 10MB file. How can I reduce the size of this?

I do have logo and a screen on the whole master page going down. The logo and screen where desinged in Photoshop and brought in as JPEGs. I can reduce the quality of this, but I doubt I can go much further down. It is currently at 805KB.

Weird thing is that when I open this in Acrobat and re-save it as a different name, the file goes down to size 650KB.

By the way, I am not using any fancy fonts or anything out of the ordinary except for that screen and logo.

2. I have some check boxes and radio buttons on this form that is going to open up other elements in the form. It is a flowed form. However, everytime I click on a radio button or checkbox, it seems to want to redraw the entire PDF page. How can I prevent redraw?

3. It is giving me an error when I try to save the file as a XML in Acrobat 8. It is giving me an error "IDS_Heirarchy_Request_ERR".

How do I fix this and make sure my data is transferrable to Excel somehow.

Thanx for any help.

I have WinXP Pro SP2 and Live Designer 8.0.

My Product Information:
LiveCycle Designer, Windows
Registered: May 15 2008
Posts: 3
Ok, I figured out the Excel part. For others who may have similar question, in Acrobat 8, there is a "Forms" menu and then "Manage Forms Data" sub-menu. Go there and export as XML. You can then bring that into Excel.

For the size issues, I have not figured out anything. Any help here people???

More importantly, I really would like to stop the re-draw. Anyone????? This is a pain every time.
