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Disable mailto function in the text message

Registered: Nov 17 2008
Posts: 7

Hello everyone,

Is it possible to disable the "mailto" function when an email address is type in the text message?
e.g. I am working on the form in Livecycle designer 8.0 that has a text message for the instruction on how to email the completed form to with an email address in it. The problem is when the user click on or point the mail to that email address, an email program will launch which confused the user since the form already has a customized email button at the end to email with export data. Can anyone please show me how to disable this function so that it won't confuse the user.


My Product Information:
LiveCycle Designer, Windows
Registered: Nov 3 2008
Posts: 1202
The problem is, that the viewer interprets the mail address automatically and opens the default mail app.
To deactivate the funtion you will need to reconfigure every clients PDF-viewer.
This is often harly possible, so you're better try to write the mail adress in a way, the PDF-viewer can't use.

Test some diffent spellings such as: 'somebody [at] somewhere [dot] org', >>somebody [at] somewhere [dot] org<< or somebody @

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Documents you need:
LiveCycle Designer ES2 Docs