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distribute/publish form on internet/web site

Registered: Aug 21 2010
Posts: 17

I have been using acrobat pro 9.4, LCD 8.2, reader 9.x for my acrobat project.
I have a relatively straightforward medical billing form that I created and put on my personal web site so that I could fill out this form at different locations that have internet access. It has a submit button which then sends the completed pdf file to my email address (a hotmail address) as an attachment. I then print the pdf and hand it to to my billing person. This is all I need. Printing at the location that I fill it out at is not an option. I print it at home or at the office.
I have been using a company called logiforms to "host" this functionality. It is costing me about $60/month to have 2 separate forms on my web site. I am not sure what "hooks" are put into the acrobat form so that after the submit button is hit it goes to their server and then is bounced to my email address. The functionality that is achieved (database options, etc.) with their process is far more than I need. Obviously, their software is some type of server software. I want to know if I can achieve my needs short of that.
My form again is relatively straightforward. In essence, there are about 15 fields: name, DOB, other demographic info, diagnosis, procedure. My form doesn't change; only I and another person access this. I do not have any server software of my own except Windows Home Server that I set up at my home, which is not originally intended for business but could be if possible.
I downloaded Acrobat Pro X with LCD ES 2.0, but have not really tried anything out with it.
All I want to be able to do is access my form on my web site/internet, fill it out, hit the submit button and it gets sent to my email address. I don't need to break it down for spreadsheet or database issues.
Is this possible? The distribute choice in LCD ES 2 seems to be problematic as it wants to me to have Outlook and not Hotmail/Windows Live Mail. Is this possible with I access the form about 100 times a month.

My Product Information:
Acrobat Pro 10.0, Windows
Registered: Jul 6 2008
Posts: 1876
Did you create the form in Acrobat or LiveCycle Designer?

I normally create forms in Acrobat, and here's a typical workflow I use:

1. Set up the form to submit just the form data (FDF) to a web server program (e.g. Perl script).
2. The script checks to see if what was submitted is a valid FDF. Is so, the script attaches the FDF to an email and has the server send it. A more secure method is to store the FDF on the server for later retrieval and send an email notification.
3. The script returns a success/failure message in an FDF in order to give the user some feedback.
4. Recipient receives the email with the FDF attachment and launches the FDF, causing Acrobat/Reader to load the
corresponding PDF and populate it with the data in the FDF. An alternative is to open a blank PDF and import the FDF.
5. View/Print/Save the resulting filled-in PDF.

This can easily be set up on a low-cost web hosting service that allows you to install a Perl script, which most do. Most also allow you submit securely using SSL (HTTPS). You just need the script. I have a low-cost Perl script for the scenario outlined above. If you're using an XFA (Designer) form, the process would be very similar, but the data format would be different (XML).

Registered: Apr 17 2010
Posts: 93
Check out! is great for your circumstance. works with Microsoft .net web server, and doesn't need 3rd party e-mail software to send PDFs to any e-mail address you designate. Best of all, there is no programming required. Just install on a workstation, and setup the program, and create as many scripts as you like for as many different forms as you need, and upload the files to your Microsoft .net web server.

You can also reuse the same script, by passing querystring parameters in the URL of the PDF SUBMIT button action.

Useful links:
Registered: Aug 21 2010
Posts: 17
george- thanks for the reply. I have never used Perl. I'll hold off on that for now.
Nick K- thanks for the reply. This looks good/promising. I assume that the process is:
1. I install that program on my home workstation.
2. With that program, I create an script.
3. I then somewhere in the pdf form code attach/insert that script.
4. I then upload the modified pdf form to my web site, and I am good to go.
Is that correct?
I am asking that because on your website there are no instructions.
Also, I purchased your product and after installing it, I got an error message and was not able to go any further. I sent a request for support email.