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Distribution and Submission Acrobat Problems

Registered: Sep 25 2007
Posts: 2

Good Afternoon:
I am using Acrobat 8.0, and having problems with submission and distribution of Adobe Acrobat.
I created a dynamic PDF form in Lifecycle Designer, enabled people to save the document. I am trying to distribute the form and cannot do so. I get an error: Failed to distribute form via e-mail. An error occurred while sending mail; Failed to send the form to recipients; Form distribution is aborted.
The person on the receiving end of the form receives a blank e-mail with the instructions as to how to open the PDF document, but cannot does not have the form. That's one problem.
I figured out a way around it, by sending the form later. However, when I send the published form to the people whom would be using the form, I have another error. The person should pick "Desktop E-mail Application," and does so; however, the form/ XML document does NOT come back, but rather, only the instructions on how to handle the form "Form Returned: Item_Creation_Form 1_pub_0002.pdf - Adobe Acrobat Professional_1.pdf
Instructions to add this form to a data set:
1. Double-click the attachment.
2. Acrobat will prompt you to select a data set." appear.
Please help!!!!

My Product Information:
LiveCycle Designer, Windows
Registered: Feb 15 2006
Posts: 4411
This is a very strange problem. It's one thing when Acrobat won't attach files to emails in you're own system where you might have something wrong with your email setup. But attachments not being sent on other peoples systems is just wierd.

The second part could be explained by the submission type being set to PDF, instead of a proper data format like XDP.

The only things I can think of are to check the submision type on the email submit and to try the distributed from Acrobat instead of from inside LiveCycle designer. There have been problems reported about the distribute feature on this forum before and using Acrobat for distibuting the form seems to do the trick.

Thom Parker
The source for PDF Scripting Info
Very Important - How to Debug Your Script

Registered: May 5 2010
Posts: 66
Hi Thomp,

Once I distribute the dynamic form, how do i get the data back? Since the form is dynamic, the number of columns are different based on how users fill in the data. My idea is to receive XML file, instead of pdf file. (When I was working with static form, I can append responses to the Response file in Acrobat. I can add several resposes into one response file because the column format are all the same. I don't think this is true for dynamic form....

How do I setup the form in livecycle so that when a user send back, I will have both pdf file and xml file. (PDF would be good for quick viewing, XML would be good for data collection)

Registered: May 5 2010
Posts: 66
I set up the Submit button in livecycle so that it attachs xml file. I saveas this file to PDF. When I open this PDF in Acrobat and click submit, it open email and attaches xml file to it.

But, when I distribute the form, that form will attach a pdf file when I click submit.

