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DIY date picker

Registered: Aug 21 2010
Posts: 17

I like the date picker that comes with the current version of LiveCycle Designer (that came with Acrobat Pro 9.x). However, it is problematic with a tablet PC.
Specifically, for date of birth fields, if I have to go back 30-60 years, I have to "peck"/continuous tap with the stylus to get it back to the desired year. There does not seem to be a reliable method (with the tablet PC stylus) to get it to move to the grouped year ranges that seem to be unique to this date picker. If I use a mouse with the tablet pc I can achieve that. Also with the mouse, I can hold down the down button on the year choice and it will rapidly take me to a previous year. However, with the tablet PC stylus, more often than not it just creates a visual ring asking if I want today's date. It seems the stylus tip is just not as precise as the laser mouse cursor to get it to scroll down.
If somebody has a solution for that solution I would love to hear it.
Also, the date field will not let me type in the date even if I type in the correct format (e.g., 11/18/2010).
My alternate solution, that I was contemplating was 3 drop down lists, for the day, month, year, and then do some type of concatenate maneuver to yield the date. For the day the choice would be 1-31, month 1-12, and year 1910 to 2015. I would concatenate by doing something like day field + /month field + /year field. I anticipate that it won't allow me to do save it as a date field. Also, there is the potential to put in a date that doesn't exist like February 31 or other months that do not have 31 days.
I have 4 or 5 date fields on my form and I am very happy with the date picker for that. All the other fields are related to dates that are usually within the last 2-3 months and therefore I never have to fool with the year choice. However for DOB, it takes me at least 1 minute to select the right date and this is a big headache. As stated above it is not a problem when using a mouse or on non-tablet PCs. It is just a problem when using the stylus with the tablet PC. I also do not want to have to keep a mouse with the tablet PC as that is inconvenient.
BTW, it is a Lenovo ThinkPad x201t.

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LiveCycle Designer, Windows
Registered: Feb 23 2006
Posts: 4308
You can design the form in Acrobat and use FormRouter's free date picker. The Advanced Acroform Toolset.Even if you use drop down selections, you will still need to check that the date provided is a valid date and just not assume the picked values are a valid date. You do not want to be able to pick a date February 30, 2000. Or you will need to code your drop down selections to only allow the selection of correct dates.

George Kaiser

Registered: Aug 21 2010
Posts: 17
Thanks George. I manipulated the validation pattern so that the edit option was blank. This now allows me to enter the date manually which is acceptable. I may try that tool from FormRouter also.