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drop down list

Registered: Aug 13 2008
Posts: 8

I could use some help. I have two drop down lists on my form and have populated one. When I click a button, I would like to copy all of the items from that 1st dropdown to the 2nd drop down. Is this possible at all in either formcalc or javascript?

If anyone could let me know how to access a single element of the dropdown, I can probably write the loop to transfer it all.

Thank you!

Registered: Jun 4 2007
Posts: 27
Hi Anna,

What if you change the DropDownList's binding to Global, and rename the second DropDownList to the same name. Then when you select an item in the first DropDownList it will populate the second. Would this work for you?
Registered: Aug 13 2008
Posts: 8
I actually want to copy over only a few of the items, not all, so I think I have to use a script. thanks