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Drop down list in LiveCycle

Registered: Feb 22 2007
Posts: 2

I am creating a form to be used for quoting by our sales people in which I am using drop down lists is it possible to remove the box around the drop list so it doesn't print. I have already made sure there is no border and the appearance says none but a box still appears. please help.

My Product Information:
Acrobat Pro 8, Windows
Acrobat 9Adobe EmployeeExpertTeam
Registered: Nov 22 2005
Posts: 24
Please visit the LiveCycle Designer forums on [url=][/url]
There are Adobe engineers monitoring these forums daily and can quickly and easily help you.

Lori has been working with Acrobat for over 14 years. Currently, she is responsible for Acrobat Enablement at Adobe.