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Drop down list: Specify item values after adding items into the list

Registered: Jun 27 2007
Posts: 55

Hi fox,

could someone tell me, how to specify item values of the given, empty drop down list after adding items into it?

Adding items works fine. But after this you want to know which item is currently selected, so you call


But now you get the display text instead of its item's bound. I guess, that after adding items you need to bind the drop down list for the purpose of specifying the item values!?

Would be great to get your help on this topic!

Thanks in adv!

Registered: Oct 6 2006
Posts: 368
I have been trying to figure out how to get the value of an item in the dropdown list to display in the dropdown field instead of the what is diplayed in the actual list too. I think that is what you are trying to do. I am also interested to know and see if this can be done.

I am clear in the use of the boundItem() method to get the value of a dropdown item to display in another field.

I wish I had an answer for you after spending an hour trying to figure this out. I hope someone can shed some light on this.


Registered: Jun 27 2007
Posts: 55
Hi SteveD,

no, the thing i exactly want to do is activating the option you can see at object->binding->'specify item values' after adding items to the given, empty drop down list.Normally you can get the item's bound during event::change with boundItem(item_text), otherwise with obj.selectedIndex. But my problem is specifying the item values after adding items for the purpose of retrieving index of the modified list instead of retrieving array item's content.

Hint: the given, empty drop down list items are modifiable depending on other conditions.

How to activate the option 'specify item values' per java-script is the question here!

Using obj.resolveNode("#event.#script").binding = "xfa" after adding items doesnt work as well :(

I also hope someone else can show the way to do it!