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On DropDown list = yes, then make TextField editable

Registered: Jul 3 2008
Posts: 11

I'm making an IT Request Form and have a DropDown list that has a yes or no option in it. I want another TextField to become editable only if the Yes option is selected in the DropDown list.

Any ideas how i do this?

I'm pretty sure you've got to use javascript for this, but i don't have a clue about it!

Any help, would be greatly appreciated.



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LiveCycle Designer, Windows
Registered: Feb 23 2006
Posts: 4308
Not much to go on.

Assuming your drop down box is named "DropDown1" with an export value of "1" and the text field is named "Text1". You can use FormCalc run on the client to test the value of the drop down box on the "Mouse Click" action for a value of "1" and if true then change the "access" property of the text field to "open" and if the value is not "1" set the "access" to "readOnly" and clear the field contents.

LiveCycle Designer also contains a "Scripting reference" under the "Help" menu which explains how to enter scripts and provides information about the FormCalc functions.

George Kaiser