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dropdown listbox arrow change size?

Registered: Apr 1 2008
Posts: 101

I have resized my dropdown list box (made it larger). However the arrow that you click on is still small.

How to make it larger?

I know you can resize the checkbox "X" thing, so how to do the same with dropdown list box?


My Product Information:
LiveCycle Designer, Windows
Registered: Dec 18 2009
Posts: 15
When you have selected your dropdown list go in the "layout" window/palette and change the different values there (axes, borders...).

Not sure the arrow's appearance will significantly change when only the width is modified.
The dropdown list should certainly be changed in its height too.

ps: your link does not load in my browser.
Registered: Apr 1 2008
Posts: 101
Well if I change width of my dropdown-list box the arrow size never changes. It 's the same size as default when you insert new dropdown-list.

Height can be changed but how do I change the width? I wanted to make control easy to read and it's stupid that the part user must click on is so small isn't it?
Registered: Dec 18 2009
Posts: 15
Height and width can both be managed in the "layout" palette.
(shortcut is Maj+F9 / or go in the "Window" menu and select it there)

Dropdown list is an object and objects parameters are available in the "object" and/or "layout" palettes.

Anyway, to action the list it is not necessary to click on the arrow, by just clicking on the entire field (the dropdown button list itself) it willl be open down (give it a try using the PDF preview).
Registered: Apr 1 2008
Posts: 101
But there is no control for "arrow size" like there is for checkbox size.
Registered: Nov 3 2008
Posts: 1202
The arrow size or look can't be changed.

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LiveCycle Designer ES2 Docs