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Registered: Jan 4 2008
Posts: 4

I am new to Adobe Acrobat Pro 8, LiveCycle, and JavaScript. I have created a grading form for use on a tablet pc which I would like to send to students as instantaneous feedback following certain activities in a educational laboratory setting. I have created a dropdown box and added all 90 student email addresses via List Items in the Object pallette. How do I create the email submit function so that I can choose a student and immediately send them their graded form? Thank you!

Registered: Jan 4 2008
Posts: 41
I am also quite new to LiveCycle and this process was also quite confusing. The easy answer to your question is to create a push button (NOT a 'Submit Email Button') and assign some Java Script to the event 'Click'. Use the following code:

var myDoc =;

bUI: false,
cTo: EMail_List.rawValue,
cSubject: "This is my subject text",
cMsg: "This text is in the body of the message"

The code associated with the 'cTo:' field is how you would programmatically assign a email address to the message. You would need to substitute the name of your drop down list to extract the correct email address. This seems to work for me, hopefully, it will for you as well.
Registered: Oct 9 2007
Posts: 37
How could you get this to cc or bcc other rawValues? Thanks for your help.