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Dynamic 2 column table where expanding text field content won't wrap to next page

Registered: Dec 22 2009
Posts: 8

Hello to all. In short, a two-column table in a sub-form is not expanding properly when text boxes contain enough content to force the row to split onto the subsequent pg.
My form is comprised mainly of two different tables, each residing on a different subform which is set to display based on an option at the top of the form. Neither subform is visible when the user opens the form. On the master page, the radio button option controlling which form displays, appears in a content area I called "initial" and the subforms holding each respective table appear in a content area I named "content".

Table "a" has two columns. In column 1 are categories/text labels which have no data entry fields, and column 2 consists of various fields for each category row, in the table. I'm having trouble when contents of the dynamically expanding rows which contain text fields, expand beyond a full page-length of text content, at which point it simply stops expanding and cuts itself off from the rest of the table. This only happens in my 2-column table.
Table "b" has one column and the text field content expands to as many pages as is required by what the user pastes in. There is only one text field in this table and getting it to overflow properly was not as difficult.
Does anyone have any tips or tricks that can help keep table rows in the 2-column table dynamically expanding properly?

My Product Information:
LiveCycle Designer, Windows
Registered: Dec 22 2009
Posts: 8
Just wanted to post an update that I figured out my 2-column table problem.

I had to wrap each text object in column one of the table with a flowing subform, so that the cells of column 2 could expand beyond one page (in the event that one of the expanding text boxes had loads of text copied into it).

The form is working pretty nicely now.
Registered: Mar 30 2009
Posts: 11
I'm having a similar problem. I've got a 3 column table in a form. One row of this table has text fields in all three columns. If a large amount of sample text is pasted in the form, the first field paginates correctly. If the second field (in column 2) has text pasted, the text overflows, but the row size shrinks to less than that of the page. If the third text field (column 3) is filled in, the entire row expands off the bottom of the page, below the footer, and only one page of text is viewable.

Any thoughts? All my fields are in flowed subforms with expand to fit. Can't figure out why this one isn't working.
Registered: Dec 22 2009
Posts: 8
I think there are pagination options on the Table containing the overflowing row, that affects how it spills onto subsequent pages. Did you check those? Also, every row that can possibly split onto another page has to be set to be allowed to be split onto multiple pages. I had to check and recheck every row in every sub-table in my form, because inside some of my cells, I have tables holding additional subforms, etc. Start there and report back. I won't be online for a few days but I'll respond after the weekend.