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Dynamic Flowing Text Converting to Editable Word Document

Registered: Jan 22 2008
Posts: 15

I'm looking for a way to save a filled out form with flowing text to an editable Word document.

I tried saving it as a Word document and that was not allowed. I tried printing it to a PDF file and that worked for all text except that the flowed text boxes were pictures (images) not editable text.

Is there a way to have the text transfer to Word in an editable form?

P.S. This is my work around for a track changes capability my users want.

Thanks to all.

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LiveCycle Designer, Windows
Registered: Feb 15 2006
Posts: 4411
No, you can't do this, and in general it's just a bad idea. It's hard enough to convert from PDF to Word. Getting interactive form fields, with data in them, to convert is just right off the map.

You can save the data out of a PDF form in several ways that are suitable for just about any data workflow. So it would be better to do your process in two steps. 1) export the data from the PDF into some data format that a Word Form can import. 2) import the data into word. It may be necessary to have an intermediate step that translates what Acrobat outputs into something word can import. I don't know what data format word handles.

Thom Parker
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