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Dynamic Forms with Bindings

Registered: Mar 16 2009
Posts: 93

Hello All (again!)

Well after several days with no response I decided to update my initial post in hope that it would make it easier for people to understand my problem.

A quick background to my problem:
I was watching Thom Parker's Scripting in Adobe Livecycle Designer Tutorial and one of things that interest me is the way you can make forms dynamically expand.

I have been playing around with this concept and what I really want to do is connect to an excel file that has a table and expand my pdf document auctomatically using data binding to my excel file.

Please see my document here:

My problem is that I can only get the first row to output.

I have checked the following:

1. Saved as dynamic document
2. made sure the form is flowed
3. set minimum count to 1 and maximum has not ben set

I am pretty certain that I need to change the way I set the databind right now it is:

I have also tried

neither of these help, what am i doing wrong and how can I go about fixing the problem.

My Product Information:
LiveCycle Designer, Windows
Registered: Mar 16 2009
Posts: 93
bump, still need some help, would be very appreciated!!
Registered: Mar 16 2009
Posts: 93
I still need some help with this if any1 has a moment to spare.
Registered: Mar 16 2009
Posts: 93
please anyone, I have searched and searched the net, but i cant find out how to do it, its really frustrating
Registered: Apr 21 2009
Posts: 15
You may want to check out this link:

and focus on the section entitled:

Working with Data Sources and Schemas