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Dynamicall add page(s) to form

Registered: Oct 2 2007
Posts: 25

I'm using Adove LiveCycle. I have a 3-pg form. The third page is called "photo record." This page consists of text fields and an image field so end user can add one photo. All info on this page is about this one photo. If end user (using Reader) has more than one photo, they need to fill out another "photo record." But I don't want a bunch of extra blank photo records as I have no idea how many they will need.

My thought was to add a button on this third page "Add Additional Records." So if end user needs to add another record, they can click on button and voila a new "photo record" page is added, making it the 4th page.

I have researched the forums, the How Tos, help, etc. and cannot figure out how to do this.

I have read where someone suggested using "page template" or subforms. I have tried both and cannot figure it out. I know how to create a page template but then how do I get it to appear as the 4th, 5th, or 6th page when needed?

Thanks in advance for any help and/or advice.

My Product Information:
LiveCycle Designer, Windows
Registered: Oct 2 2007
Posts: 25
I finally found my answer by reading this post and making a few adjustments!!!!