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editable textfields and multiple pages

Registered: Jun 24 2008
Posts: 8

I am trying to work my textfield to move the entered text onto the next page. I have saved my form as a dynamic form, my subform page (pagination) is set to Following Previous and all fields are flowing perfectly. Unfortunately the bottom of my document is moving too far down the page that it's no longer visible. I am at a loss as to what else to try.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.


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LiveCycle Designer, Windows
Registered: Oct 6 2006
Posts: 368
Check these settings.

With the page subform (untitled subform)(page 1) selected go to the Object panel and check the settings in the various tabs
Subform tab: Content set to Flowed, Allow Page Breaks within Content should be checked.
Pagination tab: Place: Following Previous, After: Continue Filling Parent. Leave everything else as the default.
Binding Tab: Leave the default setting as they are.
Check the Layout panel and make sure the Auto-fit check box under height is checked. It should be by default when you set the page subform to Flowed.

For the Field that needs to expand make sure it is set to Auto-fit in the height.

The thing to remember about these kinds of things is that the it is the page subform that is going to flow to the point where it is going to add a new page to the form as data is entered into expanding fields. When the text reaches the bottom of the page it will break and flow to the next page. You don't want to add any pages to the document because new pages are added on the fly. You don't need to add another master page unless you want to have a different look to the page. For example say you have a master page A that contains the company logo and introductory elements and you only want that page to show up as the first page you would design and build a master page B layout that would be used for all subsequent pages. You would need to restrict master page A to only be used once and all reflow would use master page B.


Registered: Jun 24 2008
Posts: 8
perfect!!!! that worked!!! thank you very much!!