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Emailing a pdf fillable file

Registered: Feb 24 2011
Posts: 3

I have created a fill in form thru designer of acrobat pro 9. I add it to an email to have people fill out the form. I added a button for returning via email. I have read everything i could find and find that they can not return a pdf form when using the free adobe reader version. The form comes back as xml data. How can i take this xml data and put it back into the pdf form or what can i do with the xml data?

Gina Barry

My Product Information:
Acrobat Pro 9.0, Windows
Registered: Nov 1 2005
Posts: 1389
Hi reddingcc,

Have you tried importing the XML data into your form? In Acrobat go to Forms ->Manage Form Data ->Import Data.Or, you can change the Submit button properties to send the entire PDF. Add a regular button (not a Submit button)then in the Field tab choose Control Type "Submit" and under the Submit tab choose "Submit As:" PDF. And of course you need to add the enabling rights to the form so it can be saved in Reader ( in order to e-mail the completed form back).

Hope this helps,

Registered: Feb 24 2011
Posts: 3
Thanks Dimitri - I am a new user and am trying to figure this out, so please bear with me. I was trying to figure out how to import the XML data, as that is all i seem to be able to get, but i have not figured out how to import it. I am assuming i open the form i am working on and go to import data. When i do that i get a message: This document restricts some Acrobat features to allow for extended features in adobe reader. Create a copy that is not restricted.
Once i do that, then i can not get to the import data - it is grey? Where you said to enable rights on the form so it can be saved in reader, where exactly is that done. Most of the people i have sent this form to has adobe reader. When they return the form via the button (email), if they have something other than reader, then the original pdf form returns. If they only have reader then just an xml file is returned.
I would like to be able to have all as a pdf return or figure out what to do with the xml file. Thanks

Gina Barry

Registered: Nov 1 2005
Posts: 1389
Accepted Answer
Hi reddingcc,

It can be confusing. Let's see if I can explain it without confusing you more. That message you get when you do the import data is because you have a Rights Enabled form- this means that end users can fill and save the form using only the free Adobe Reader. If it was not Rights Enabled then Adobe Reader users would only be able to fill and print, not save and e-mail it back to you. However, once you Rights Enable a PDF form, it is no longer editable and that is why you get the message to "create a copy that is not restricted."

So it is best to have two copies of the form- one for distribution that is Rights Enabled (you already have this), and one that is for your working copy for importing the data. This is good practice anyway with enabled forms- keep a non-enabled version for editing and an enabled version for distribution. Most people change the file name of the enabled copy to something like XXX_enabled.pdf.

If some of your end users have Acrobat Standard or Professional they are able to fill, save and e-mail the form without the Enabling Rights because that is a feature of the paid for Acrobat software products. It is only if you want people using the free Adobe Reader to have those features where you need to "add" them with Rights Enabling.

Hope this helps,

Registered: Feb 24 2011
Posts: 3
Thanks so much!!

Gina Barry