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Enabling clients to save a PDF form

Registered: Sep 25 2007
Posts: 4

Hi everyone, I'm new here as guessed :-)

I'm sure this has been asked many bare with me.

I have created a PDF form in Adobe LiveCycle Designer 8.0 that has some fields in which my clients are able to inter their information, but the text in the form is not editable. Ultimately, I would like my clients to submit the form by email, as well as the option to print it and fax it. So I added the “Submit by Email” button (along with a "print" button) and enabled the "mailto:" feature which works fine for the ones that already have Adobe Acrobat 7.0 and higher. The problem is some of my clients only have Abode Reader and are not able to "save" the document and attach it to their email program IF the submit by email button does not automatically open their email program for them. Some of my clients, only some, are getting pop-up messages that vary saying basically “not able to save/send form”. There has to be some universal saving/enabling feature I am not activating, or they way I'm saving it as a PDF for them to open/save. Anybody encounter this, or have a suggestion. Thanks in advance!


Registered: Sep 25 2007
Posts: 20
Please see the message in this forum entitled: "How to edit Extended User Rights in 8.0". It is located about 10 topics below this one.
Registered: Sep 25 2007
Posts: 4
twhayes wrote:
Please see the message in this forum entitled: "How to edit Extended User Rights in 8.0". It is located about 10 topics below this one.
Thank you sooooo much! That did the trick :-)