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Entering numbers without commas

Registered: May 23 2007
Posts: 26

I have a field that needs to be numeric. I would like to define it as numeric, as that prevents anyone from entering anything but numeric values in the field. The problem I am having is that it is inserting comma's in the field.

I am trying to enter a 6 digit number without comma's. But, Lifecyle designer is inserting the comma's when I tab off of the field.

Anybody, know how to get rid of the comma's without defining it as a text field?

Registered: Jun 28 2007
Posts: 3636
Select the cell in the form. In the Cell tab of the Object palette, click the Display Pattern dropdown arrow and choose a format without commas.

Lori Kassuba is an AUC Expert and Community Manager for

Registered: Jan 20 2010
Posts: 5
I need to ask the same question. I have tried what you stated was the fix but repeatedly the form when published reverts to adding commas. Also, for some reason validation on fields seems to give errors even though I have no validation set on the cell. Any help would be appreciated. I feel like a dog chasing his tail...
Registered: Feb 23 2006
Posts: 4308
There are many fields involved with the formatting, validation, displaying, and binding. So it is possible to have different formats for each of one of these control fields. You need to set each format field as needed. It it is blank LiveCycle Designer uses the format for default language.

George Kaiser

Registered: Jan 20 2010
Posts: 5
So can you explain a bit about the response? I just went to my cell and clicked on the pattern and changed display, edit, validation and data all to a straight 1234 number pattern and when I do the pdf preview the field still changes the number to have commas. What have I done wrong?
Registered: Feb 23 2006
Posts: 4308
I put 'zzzzzzzzz' in the 'Display Pattern', 'Edit Pattern', and 'Validation' pattern.

George Kaiser

Registered: Jan 20 2010
Posts: 5
Seems that it is a problem with the publish file settings. If I saved the file as a pdf directly the issues disappeared.